Tokens for Route Entry to Folder

The Route Entry to Folder activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
RoutedEntry_Name The name of the routed entry. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Name)
RoutedEntry_Id The Laserfiche ID number of the routed entry. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Id)
RoutedEntry_Path The folder path of the routed entry. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Path)
RoutedEntry_FullPath The folder path of the routed entry, including the entry's name in the path. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_FullPath)
RoutedEntry_Repository The repository the routed entry is in. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Repository)
RoutedEntry_Server The Laserfiche Server that contains the routed entry. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Server)
RoutedEntry_Guid The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the routed entry. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutedEntry_Guid)
RoutingFolder_Name The name of the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Name)
RoutingFolder_Id The Laserfiche ID number of the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Id)
RoutingFolder_Path The folder path of the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Path)
RoutingFolder_FullPath The folder path of the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into, including the folder name in the path. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_FullPath)
RoutingFolder_Repository The repository that contains the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Repository)
RoutingFolder_Server The Laserfiche Server that contains the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Server)
RoutingFolder_Guid The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the folder the Route Entry to Folder activity moved the entry into. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_RoutingFolder_Guid)
Event Initially Satisfied Whether the wait condition specified in the Route Entry to Folder activity was initially satisfied. This token can have one of two values: True or False. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_Event Initially Satisfied)
Event Duration How long it took for the activity's wait condition to be satisfied. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_Event Duration)
Event Id The event ID for the activity's wait condition being satisfied. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_Event Id)
Event User The user who satisfied the activity's wait condition. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_Event User)
Event User SID The SID (Security Identifier) of the user who satisfied the activity's wait condition. %(RouteEntrytoFolder_Event User SID)
E-mail.Reminder Count How many times the e-mail has been resent with the e-mail escalation feature. This token is only available when configuring an e-mail within a Routing activity. %(E-mail.Reminder Count)
Parent If an entry and the folder it is in (its parent folder) have the same field, this token represents the field value of the parent folder’s field. The token %(Parent:Fieldname) represents the value of a different parent field. These tokens can only be used with fields and are available only in the Fields tab of the Routing activities.

Note: You can also access all field tokens within the Routing activities.


*The "RouteEntrytoFolder" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Move to: Folder_A, the syntax for the RoutedEntry_Id token will be %(MovetoFolder_A_RoutedEntry_Id).

Note: The Routing activities also let you access fields that would normally only be available if you used a Retrieve Field Values activity. The syntax for these field tokens is: %(Fields.Field Name).

Note: The Routing activities create extra tokens while running that are used internally by the activity. These tokens appear in the Tokens tab of the workflow's instance details if you use the Track Tokens activity.